Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning

Ali Carr-Chellman discussed many reasons as to why boys are lacking in education. She also exposed many needs of boys in the classroom. She discussed the 100 Girls Project in the video. The project exposed that there are more boys than girls suspended from school, expelled from school, in special education classes, considered to have learning disabilities, and considered to have emotional disturbances. Boys are also four times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.  She gave her reasoning as to why there is such a dramatic range between boys and girls. She suggested that zero tolerance, fewer male teachers, and kindergarten is the new second grade( high and unrealistic expectations) are to blame for this range between boys and girls.  She suggested that boys are expected to sit in class quietly. However, boys have an aggressive nature, and they are not being allowed to show this aggressive nature.
Ali Carr-Chellman suggested a way to help with this problem. Since educators are partly to blame for this problem, educators can help fix it. She suggest changing the mindset of boys. This can be done by changing classroom games to something that would interest boys. Also, Educators should look at their attitudes so that they are more open to boy culture. This in turn could change the boys mind set that the school is a place for females and that they to belong.

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