Monday, July 16, 2012

Why Flipped Classrooms Are Here to Stay

Flipped classrooms take traditional classrooms and transform/ flip them into something new. The teacher in the article gave students a copy of lectures, every other night. The lectures where online, on a flash drive, or on a DVD. The students where responsible for preparing for the next class. This approach allowed them to watch videos and take notes. They could even pause or rewind if needed which allowed them to grasp a better understanding of the lecture. During class, time was spent doing hands- on experiments, instead of rushing through a lecture.
In my opinion, this method would be great for high school students. The flipped classroom makes students responsible and can help prepare students for college. I also believe that the flipped classroom approach can keep students more involved in class time. I do not think this is a method I can use in my future classroom. I plan to teach lower elementary. I do not believe students at that young of a age would be mature enough for this type of classroom method. If I ever teach upper elementary school, I would consider this method. However, I would have to confirm that the class was mature enough first.

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